Bore to death
Bore to death

On the hot summer evenings like this one in L.A , Celeste often recalled the times when she was hunting Vikings, during a beautiful autumn near Paris. She missed that thrill, the smell of fear, and how they bravely fought for their lives. And Napoleonic times, oh, that was a feast! Of course, modern times had their pros, but the search for victims through Tinder has long lost its charm for her. Although, it was convenient.

For today's meeting, she wore a white dress, which usually made them feel more confident and bold, losing vigilance. A simple trick. Celeste was in good mood and intrigued, at first. She even promised herself that if the conversation will be interesting enough, she would refrain from consuming, at least for this one evening. It was like that until she heard "You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen". Nothing irritated her more that this banal sentence that he has had to listen to for hundreds of years. Really, I mean, really?! During all these centuries it was really impossible to come up with something more interesting, more original way to start a conversation? She was bored.

Modern day Celeste the Vampire (which you may remember from my early painting). With a help of our beautiful friend, Mary, as a model.

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