Children of Moloch
Children of Moloch

" Captain's Logbook - March 11, 1926. Days are getting colder and darker... It's hard to even tell day from night. Far in the north, we found ancient structures and even traces of some ancient civilization, the origin and purpose of which were difficult for us to understand or explain. We also encountered traces of the activity of some dark, mysterious cult, calling itself the Children of Moloch. They seem to be fanatical followers of some ancient deity. The presence of our huge walker comforts me slightly, but I don't know if even a thick iron armor can protect us from what awaits us in the darkness of the night... Yesterday we found burnt notes and letters signed by someone called Baaliahon. I have bad feelings about this. I feel they are watching us. We must be vigilant. The farther north we go, the more our journey becomes dangerous, as if some unnatural force wanted to stop us. Yesterday I thought I saw some strange creature in the distance, like an unnatural humanoid animal with glowing eyes. Maybe it's this place... maybe my mind is playing tricks on me. We have to keep going! "

Cheers! :)

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